Strip Doors | Durable, Versatile and Cost-Effective
Typical Benefits:
- Save energy – keep in heat & cold
- Dust containment
- Temperature control
- Noise reduction
- Improve worker comfort
- Increase visibility for employees & moving machinery
- Greater security
- Rain / snow / wind protection
What Are Strip Doors (PVC Curtains)?
PVC vinyl strip doors/curtains are plastic dividers that work as environmental separators within the workplace. Our strip doors are made out of PVC and are often referred to as PVC Curtains. Held in high standing for their versatility and low cost, strip doors and curtains are the easiest way to help you save money by reducing energy wastage.
How? Imagine how much money it would cost to keep a room in a warehouse cool if the door was left open. Installing Kingman Industries’ high-quality strip curtains will help trap the cool air from leaving the warehouse and regulate the temperature with easy in and out access for people moving between different environments.
Kingman Strip doors are a perfect solution for a wide spectrum of industry sectors such as manufacturing and agriculture. They are often used around loading docks, warehouses, coolers and freezers. PVC curtains are barriers where ease of access and separation of environments are most needed. Our strip curtains also offer additional benefits such as promoting work safety, noise reduction, and dust containment.
How Much Do PVC Strip Curtains/Doors Cost (Price)?
The cost/price for strip curtains/doors varies depending on a number of factors, some of which include:
- Number of units required
- Size of each unit
- Complexity of cuts or shape customization
For more information about your unique situation, or to get a price quote for PVC strip curtains in Canada (or elsewhere), give us a call today at 1-888-267-9884.
I Need a PVC Vinyl Curtain Or Door For a Walk-In Freezer/Cooler. Will This Work?
Yes. Our solutions are perfectly suited for use in a walk-in freezer. For the most common uses of our products, see the section titled: "Common Applications" below.
What Are the Disadvantages/Cons Associated With PVC Strip Curtains?
The main disadvantage is not so much a problem as it is an attribute. PVC strip curtains or doors are not lockable. Although they are commonly called 'doors' they aren't a lockable barrier like a traditional door would be. Rather, they are meant to be separators between environments of differing characteristics (e.g. temperature, dust, noise, etc). From this perspective, PVC vinyl strip curtains offer many cost and performance advantages versus other door solutions. For more information view the 'features' section below.

If you would like to purchase our strip doors or learn more about our PVC curtains, please contact us.
Common Applications
- Freezers / coolers
- Shipping / receiving loading docks
- Clean rooms
- Curtain walls
- Conveyor partitions
- Wash bays
- Isolating metal & woodworking areas from cleaner areas
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| Strip Curtain Features |  | - Concave / Convex Construction: Due to the alternating and overlapping of the PVC strips, the doors have a built-in "seal" that holds the strips in contact, improving its ability to reduce or altogether eliminate changes in temperature, humidity and outside particulate contamination.
- Rounded Edges: The rounded edges on the sides of the vinyl strips act as a safety measure to help prevent the of snagging clothes or products. Additionally, the round strip curtain edges eliminate any chance of abrasions or cuts that might occur as one passes through a door.
- Easy Cleaning: Vinyl strip curtains can be cleaned using a mixture of household cleaning detergent and water, making strip curtain maintenance a breeze.
| - Clear Vision Ahead: The clear PVC strip curtains help reduce collisions and improve visibility by allowing light to freely pass through them. This provides people on both sides of the door a clear view of oncoming traffic.If your strip curtains are going to exposed to the outdoors, you will be happy to know that specific stabilizers have been added to the vinyl compound to reduce fading and discolouring caused by the UV light from the sun.
- Energy Saving: Using strip curtains as a separator between a warmer zone and a colder one can greatly enhance energy efficiency and reduce temperature loss. Beyond being an excellent insulator, PVC strip doors allow for the smooth passage of machinery, equipment and people between the two temperature zones.
- Flame Resistant: Our product is registered as flame resistant by the California State Fire Marshall.
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PVC Strip Curtains & Doors in CanadaAre you looking for PVC strip curtains in Canada? If yes, Kingman Industries is your best choice. Renowned for our fast turnaround times and high quality strip curtain products we can help you find the right strip door or curtain to suit your needs. Whether it's for a single large door. multiple large doors or a few smaller doors we can help you evaluate and select the best PVC vinyl strip curtains in Canada. Replacement Strips
Are you looking for replacement pieces for your existing strip curtains? Kingman Industries can provide exact mechanical matches for your existing vinyl curtains. Contact Kingman Industries today and let us be of assistance! |